I received the nicest CHRISTmas card from Myrle Olsen at Realty Executives here in Bemidji. It is nice to know that some businesses are not 'afraid' to recognize the true reason we celebrate Christmas. Too many, out of fear of offending someone, choose to use the 'Happy Holiday' catch line with the snowflake motif. I say, let people be offended if that is the way they wish to react. Christ was sent to us as a Savior. It's not like God is forcing you to accept Jesus as a Savior! It is a choice. Did you get that? A CHOICE, albeit with eternal consequences, that every individual has to make on their own. How does making a individual decision offend if you are the one in control of the decision? It doesn't. It can't! So forget being 'safe' and obscure this Christmas season and recognize the greatest gift we have ever received...that is Jesus Christ! Merry Christmas!

A merry CHRISTmas to you and your family as well!
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